Event Registration

Day at the Erie SeaWolves
06/09/2024 01:35 PM ET


  • $10.00  -  Non-member ticket
  • $17.00  -  Non-Member with meal deal


110 E 10th St
Erie, PA 16501


Registration opens April 9, 2024
Registration will close on June 7th at noon.

Please create a log in and password

If you would like to manage your account (i.e., view donation history, change address, etc.), please create a login name and password.
Waiver Statement:

ABSOLUTE RELEASE OF LIABILITY - I recognize the potential for injury which can occur in engaging in activities offered and sponsored by the Autism Society Northwestern Pennsylvania. I hereby consent to myself, the named participant and any other parent or guardian to participate in activities with other participants on equipment used by Autism Society NWPA, and do hereby, for me, the above-named participants and any other parent or guardian, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages that I, the above-named participant, or other parent/guardian may have at any time against Autism Society NWPA, or any of its agents for any injury or damages in connection with me or the attendees’ association with activities with other individuals or any other activity associated with or sponsored by Autism Society NWPA.

I understand, as the parent or guardian of the named participant, I am responsible for all property damage caused by the named participant, my attendees, and/or me. I agree to replace, at my own expense, or to reimburse the Autism Society NWPA for all losses, breakage or required repairs that were caused by my named participant, my attendees, and/or me.

I understand I am solely responsible for monitoring and supervising my registered attendees at all times at the above-mentioned event. At their discretion, Autism Society NWPA reserves the right to require an attendee to leave an event due to safety concerns.

required fields

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