Peer-to-Peer Campaign
Peer-to-Peer Campaign: Bridge the Distance | 2020 Walk for Autism

Money Raised: $70,004.46  Campaign Goal: $125,000.00

19th Annual Walk for Autism | VIRTUAL EVENT 

WHEN:  Saturday, June 6, 2020

Bridge the Distance | Virtual Campaign

WHEN:  April 25 ~ June 5, 2020



What is the virtual Walk for Autism?  A “Virtual Walk” is a real walk, but on your terms: you select the location, what time you start, and who walks next to you (6’ apart)! We encourage you to wear your favorite vintage Autism Walk t-shirt or favorite autism tee and share a photo on social media. We would like you to share a picture, story, or video of your family/supports with your Autism Society NWPA Vintage Walk tees or favorite autism tees or make new ones as a family project!

Show us how you created “your” walk in support of the 19th Annual Walk for Autism virtually. Post to Bridge the Distance | 19th Annual Walk for Autism Facebook page and/or tag “Autism Society – Northwestern Pennsylvania” and #AutismNWPA

What is Bridge the Distance | Virtual Campaign?  Autism Society NWPA is launching a virtual campaign to help motivate our teams, community, and provide a platform for sharing. We are launching Bridge the Distance to keep us connected until the 19th Annual Walk for Autism | Virtual Event on Saturday, June 6, 2020.


  • Team/Fundraising Captain Incentives
  • Weekly Challenges
  • Virtual Badges
  • Sharing your efforts and ideas
  • Sponsor Highlights
  • Vendor Information
  • DIGITAL Basket Auction

Walk Registration Information:  PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE MAY 12, 2020

Adult Walkers (age 15 & up) | $20 per walker includes adult size commemorative Walk t-shirt (guaranteed by the pre-registration deadline May 12, 2020)

Tween Walkers (age 10-14) | $10 per walker includes adult size commemorative Walk t-shirt (guaranteed by the pre-registration deadline May 12, 2020)

Youth Walkers (age 0-9) | FREE

Youth Size T-shirts (optional) | $8.00 per youth size commemorative Walk t-shirt.  Commemorative YOUTH t-shirts for walkers age 0-9 may be reserved and WILL NOT be available for purchase at the Walk, no exceptions.  Please include $8 per youth shirt reserved.  Deadline: May 12, 2020. *Anyone age 0-9 who would like an ADULT SIZE shirt must register as a Tween Walker.

PLEASE NOTE: 2020 Commemorative Walk T-shirts – Pre-registered walkers (new deadline May 12), will receive our commemorative 2020 Walk T-shirt. The updated distribution date will be announced when the printer re-opens. Walk registrations will be accepted after the May 12th deadline but will not receive a 2020 commemorative Walk t-shirts. Dates will be announced when Walk t-shirts and captain incentives will be available for pick up.  We appreciate your understanding during these unprecedented times.  All donations for this Walk to Autism Society NWPA are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Donations are nonrefundable.

Search Fundraisers:


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Theodore's Team

  Raised: $11,404.18
  Goal: $8,000.00

Bartlett Turtles 2020

  Raised: $3,434.33
  Goal: $1,500.00

#Team Keagan Never Look Back

  Raised: $3,128.00
  Goal: $3,000.00

#1 Zucrew Team

  Raised: $2,962.74
  Goal: $1,500.00

Bison Strong

  Raised: $2,893.19
  Goal: $1,500.00

Patrick's Posse

  Raised: $2,514.13
  Goal: $2,500.00

Everything is Awesome

  Raised: $2,246.36
  Goal: $2,000.00

Sophies LuLa Ladies Fundraising Page

  Raised: $2,027.54
  Goal: $2,000.00

Nygaard Navigators

  Raised: $1,934.84
  Goal: $2,000.00

Hope for Autism 2020

  Raised: $1,797.38
  Goal: $2,000.00

Team Biggins

  Raised: $1,658.77
  Goal: $500.00


  Raised: $1,577.67
  Goal: $1,000.00

Logan's Heroes

  Raised: $1,330.34
  Goal: $2,000.00

High 5 for Autism

  Raised: $1,116.51
  Goal: $1,000.00

Wes' Walkers

  Raised: $1,051.02
  Goal: $5,000.00

Marquette's Mpowered for Autism Society NWPA

  Raised: $1,050.98
  Goal: $1,500.00

Ben’s Bulldozers

  Raised: $1,037.96
  Goal: $1,000.00

Team Millcreek

  Raised: $530.97
  Goal: $1,500.00

Joshua’s Hammerheads

  Raised: $520.98
  Goal: $200.00

Matthews Team

  Raised: $500.00
  Goal: $0.00

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